Wednesday, February 29, 2012

432 Hz

Another way to harness the power of 432 hz frequency: Video on the link above
Demonstrating the 432hz and 528hz Tuning Forks: Video on the link above

Video on the link above
(Find the swb256 website in the blogroll sidebar to your left to find out more about ordering your own 432 Hz tuned tuning fork)
Article by: Brian T Collins

432hz vibrates on the principals of the golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness.
432hz Natural Tuning has profound effects on consciousness and also on the cellular level of our bodies.
By retuning musical instruments and using concert pitch at 432 hertz instead of 440 hertz, your atoms and DNA starts to resonate in harmony with the PHI spiral of nature.
The best way to experience the 432hz difference is by listening.
Many people from all walks of life have described similar perceptions over their individual experience of the two pitches.
440hz concert pitch is centered in the mind whereas 432hz concert pitch is centered in the heart.
Some people who are not able to distinguish the 8hz difference, claim they can feel 432hz warmer due to the longer wavelength.
In either case, all agree that there are positive results in the listening experience at 432hz. I have observed extremely agitated individuals physically relax their breath and bodies at the instant 432hz is presented to them.
The Shape of 432 Hz
I wondered what the geometry of 432Hz would look like using Cymatics so I contacted John Stuart Reid, the co-designer of the CymaScope™ regarding his wonderful invention and the geometry of A=432hz tone.
The CymaScope™ is the pinnacle of cymatics research and is the concept of John who as an acoustics engineer, carried out cymatics research in the King’s chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza in 1997. The CymaScope™ is an accurate device that measures acoustic vibrations of nodal points that form patterns of geometry in different liquid or solid mediums.
The science of cymatics which is geomerty through vibration was researched and published by Dr. Hans Jenny in 1967, in his book called The Study of Wave Phenomena.
This is an exact copy of John’s correspondence with the author;
“Hello Brian, 432 Hertz pops out as a triangle, every time we image it.
We thought there was something wrong with the CymaScope™ but after trying for more than an hour we concluded that the number 3 was somehow universally connected to 432 Hertz.
We captured it on video also and it looks like it’s alive, it writhes and pulsates and refuses to take up any other form. We researched the reason why it takes up this geometry and it turns out to be an interesting case:
When A is tuned to 432Hz the frequencies of the other A’s shift (within a decimal point) to 27 Hz, 54, 108, 216, 864, 1728 in other octaves.
D becomes 576 Hz which becomes 9 Hz, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 1152 in other octaves. E becomes 324 Hz which becomes 81 Hz, 162, 648, 1296 in other octaves. All of these frequencies are divisible by 3…
Regards, John Stuart Reid.”
John had confirmed with his incredible invention the CymaScope™, what seems to be a scientific interpretation of what I believe Rudolph Steiner in his esoteric knowledge of the Mysteries of Golgotha and cosmic principals stated; that a prime center of tone for living enlightenment in mankind is a C=128Hz note with the octave at C=256Hz (within 432hz Concert pitch) or Michael Sun tone A=432Hz which ties the spiritual tetrahedron or holy trinity of frequency and evolution of man ascendant together in sound and geometry.
Added to good water with the power of intent and you have a recipe for what is nicknamed the Christ Consciousness energy.
Water as a spiritual healing medium has been known for eons and even today many make pilgrimage to sacred places where water flows.
Water in the spiritual sense has been used for centuries to heal and cure the sick. The power of intention of holy water is used on a daily basis and can have profound effect on the consciousness of the believer and the intent of unique Collective awareness around us.
Images Copyrighted and courtesy of CymaScope™
When did the concert pitch change?
Most music worldwide has been tuned to 440 hertz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) endorsed it in 1953, following the prior recommendations of the Nazi party spoksman, Joseph Goebbels in 1939.
Suffice to say, I will not waste good energy down the rabbit hole of conspiracy to expose another Illuminatti agenda, however I will quickly state that there was an organised effort to change Concert pitch to 440hz well back at the start of the last century to codify an “Old World New Order” of central pitch.

440hz was pushed by J. C. Deagan, A US NAVY man and disciple of the acoustics physicist Hermann Helmholtz, who published “the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music” (1862).
In 1910 J. C. Deagan persuaded the American Federation of Musicians, at its annual convention, to adopt A=440 as the standard universal pitch for orchestras and bands.
Deagan was well connected in many elite society circles and was a charter member of the American Federation of Musicians, a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Physical Society, American Acoustical Society and a member of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
He was deeply interested in astronomy, geology, chemistry, and all branches of physics, particularly the theories of light and sound and he was considered an authority on pitch and acoustics.
Deagan designed the 440hz Wartime chime that was used for propaganda news reals in world war two and it is still used everyday as the call sign of the NBC chimes.
Despite the petitions of over twenty thousand musicians in france, The ISO codified concert pitch globally by 1955.

DOWNLOAD Solfeggio Tones: Sound Healing and Frequency Freedom

Download Tones

UPDATE:There are now 4 versions of the Solfeggio Frequencies avaiable for download.
The first is known as the “Ravi Solfeggio Tone.”
- This track is to remain in a high quality WAV format for the best results. This track is the more intense of the two available. It is not recommended that you convert this to MP3 or any other compressed file as you will risk having the tone lose it’s integrity and will not function properly.
- DOWNLOAD the Ravi Solfeggio Audio File.
- The second solfeggio tone is the Ravi Solfeggio Audio version 2 that has a reduction in ambience. DOWNLOAD  the Ravi Solfeggio Audio File without Ambience. (Pitch re-mastered to 432 Hz)
UPDATE: Introducing the newest addition to The New Ravi Ascension Solfeggio Frequencies: Version 2 – DOWNLOAD the file.
And the fourth is the Collection of 9 Solfeggio Frequencies. These tones are more subtle in intensity in comparison to the Ravi Solfeggio tones.
- DOWNLOAD  the Collection of 9 Solfeggio Frequencies (ZIP file)
Due to popular request, the Sedona 11:11 Solfeggio Frequencies are back online. However, there are only six in this series and they are of the same quality as the Collection of 9, only that they are of a different theme of music:
Click here to download the Sedona 11:11 Frequencies
Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Using stereo headphones for the Solfeggio frequencies is highly recommended. The better quality the headphones, the better result you will receive.
As you start to listen to the Solfeggio frequencies, it is important that you focus on the Solfeggio tone playing. Let that be where you focus your attention.
As you also start to listen to the frequencies, you may encounter symptoms such as headaches, body twitches  or even nausea. Do not be alarmed. This is perfectly normal. The tones are removing energetic blockages from your body so that your natural harmonic electromagnetic field can flow more energies to the areas of your body that require it.
For best results, listen to any version of the Solfeggio frequencies at least once per day. Best results see improvement after a six week period from listening to the tones daily. You can listen to the tones as often as you want per day as it will only benefit you. As long as you perform the once a day routine for six weeks, that is where you will start to see results.
Please remember that the Solfeggio frequencies are not a “miracle cure.” In no way should you replace your prescribed medication or any other form of treatment without first consulting your physician. The Solfeggio frequencies are an additional tool that can assist you with medical conditions, but should in no way be the primary source replacement without a Doctor’s consent.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will these tones heal me of any ailment?
Understand that only you can heal you. The solfeggio tones are but a tool to assist you in the healing process, but you are the one who decides if you wish to be healed or not. The more you are willing to let yourself go, relax, release belief systems and sink into the frequencies, you are allowing yourself to enter the healing process.
Is there a certain amount of time I need to devote daily on listening to these tones?
How often you decide to listen to them is entirely up to you. These tones are simply meant to benefit you, never to be a burden. Our suggestion for best results is committing at least 15 minutes per day listening to these tones for up to a span of 4-6 weeks while in meditation. Again, this is only suggestive for best results, but feel free to listen to them as frequently or rarely as you wish. The choice is yours.
Should I wear headphones to listen to the tones?
This is highly advised to help you sink deeper into the tones as they come through with more clarity with good quality stereo headphones. The key is to focus entirely on the tones themselves within the music. This is what brings best results. However, if you wish to listen to them over your stereo speakers, this is fine as well.
Why are the Ravi Solfeggio tones recorded in WAV?
For quality purposes. A WAV file is a more uncompressed format and so it preserves more of the tone. This is why it is considered to be more intense. Whereas the collection of 9 solfeggios were captured as MP3 and are more subtle for those who seek an alternative to an intense solfeggio tone.
Can I convert the Ravi Solfeggio tones to MP3?
It is highly advised that you do not as the intensity and clarity of the Ravi Solfeggio tones will be reduced due to the mp3 compression rate. Most mp3 players nowadays will also play WAV files as well. If possible, please try to maintain the clarity and quality of the Ravi Solfeggio tones in its original WAV format.
Can I distribute these tones freely or use them in any form of production or presentation?
Of course you can. There is no copyright or terms in distributing these tones freely. Please feel free to share these tones or use them in any form of production or presentation you wish.
What is the difference between the Sedona 11:11 tones and the Collection of 9 tones and did create them?
The preference of music is really the only difference as they both include the scale of Solfeggio tones, and with the exception that the Collection of 9 has 9 solfeggio tones included whereas the Sedona 11:11 only has 6. No, this website did not create either of these collections. They are available for free and this website is distributing them for free.
Are there any subliminal messages contained within the Solfeggio tones?
None at all. And if you don’t want to take that statement at face value, feel free to analyze the tones yourself. The creators of these harmonizing tones are not about control or conspiracy agendas, they are offered out of the intent to expand consciousness, not to create fear or control-based issues through any type of subliminal messaging.
Are the Solfeggio Tones this website offers available on CD?
No. This is a site currently dedicated to downloads only, however; we are currently working to offer a custom-made Solfeggio CD that will be available soon that can be purchased through this website. Stay tuned for more information on this in the near future.
Are there reasons why other sites charge for their Solfeggio Tones either through download or CD?
That is simply their preference. Often, these tones are custom made through music tracks and we support and respect those that wish to offer custom-made Solfeggio tones for purchase. We however do not charge for our tones currently available on our website, with the exception of an upcoming custom-made Solfeggio CD previously discussed above. However, the tones that are here now on this site will ALWAYS be available to download for free.

Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies


Photos by From:

What Are The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies?
These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of these gentleman for the part they’ve played in helping return these lost frequencies back to humanity.
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
For example, the third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based!
A Little History
At the turn of the century the awareness of DNA entered the collective consciousness of the world. We have incarnated into this human experience as divine beings with a blueprint, a set of instructions. We know that a very small percentage (3%) of those instructions make up our physiology.
Carl Sagan writes that most of our genetic information (about 97%) is unused DNA. He refers to this as "genetic gibberish." Is it possible that most of who we are still lies dormant as our human potential?
In the old paradigm of religion, "potential" remained a mystery to the human mind, therefore we coined a mystical term called "SPIRIT." "Spirit" was something that was detached from who we were, something we didn’t have and could only be gained through the systems of most religions.
The old paradigm and its premise stated that we began as biology in the womb of our mothers. Telliard deChardin tells us that we are not a human being trying to attain a spiritual experience, but, rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This shift in perception causes a tremendous difference in the way we perceive ourselves in this third/fourth time-space continuum.
Being a student of "A Course In Miracles" in the late 80’s, I was faced with a dichotomy in the idea that we are not a body. I never understood this statement fully until I read a quotation by Albert Einstein which stated: "Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." I believe what is being stated is that at the deepest level we are not separate, as a body, as a spirit, as a soul — we are just energy-beings. This is the level of consciousness being opened to us from which a new paradigm is emerging for the purpose of healing all separation. The popular term, "The Divine, is in me"- makes "me" separate from the Divine. May I suggest a shift in the saying to: "The Divine, AS me" to remove the separation.
As we move from genetics and concepts like Soul, "Soul Mates" and "Soul work," we move beyond physical diagnosis, into a new field of quantum physics. In this new field, where consciousness is seen as a unified field where everything is everything else, (T.O.E. Theory - The Theory of Everything) —there are no boundaries. There is no "this" or "that;" no you or me. It is a pure field of awareness – consciousness. I solved the dichotomy about "we are not our body" by changing my perception of genetics to energetics - realizing that we are not meant to ignore our physiology, but recognize the body as energy, vibrating at a very dense frequency.
Repairing DNA
I was first introduced to DNA in 1988 when I was going through a transitional period, during which I felt that I had come to the end of everything that I believed. A tape was given to me of a gentleman speaking in an accent, (which I thought at the time, was rather boring), and I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Then all of a sudden, as I was ready to turn it off, he said: "Quantum physics has found that there is no empty space in the human cell, but it is a teeming, electric-magnetic field of possibility or potential." That’s all he said! But whatever frequency was contained in those words, RESONATED something inside the CORE of my BEING — and I had a KNOWING in me that the NOTHING I thought I was looking at was the EVERYTHING. Much like in Zen, and the idea of becoming "as an empty bowl." Eastern Religions (including the Bible) refer to it as the VOID – The Nothing that is EVERYTHING – The Womb of Creation. I knew that I was experiencing a re-birth! The person on that tape was Dr. Deepak Chopra.
I had never heard of Deepak Chopra in 1988, as he was just coming on the scene about that time. I credit him for a very important transition in my life, just from the statement he made on that tape. Today, in retrospect, I would call my response to that statement a "cellular memory experience." We know that intelligence is stored within the cells of the body, and when the right resonance comes and releases that information to become inherent information or inherent KNOWLEDGE – that comes from the true Self. That is why so many of us seem to jump form one stimuli to another looking for what will resonate in us.
The work being done today with energy at the cellular level really excites me, since I had been very interested in DNA before it became a household word. In fact, I think it took me two years just to learn how to pronounce it (deoxyribonucleic acid did not roll off my tongue quickly). But, I was determined to understand this tremendously powerful energetic blueprint for life, as we know it, at the cellular level on this planet. DNA became a part of the collective consciousness when CNN produced a special on the Genome Project in 2000.
As I pursued my passion for the study of DNA, I attended a workshop by Dr. Robert Girard from California on DNA Activation. His work focused on using certain sounds and frequencies to activate DNA and I started doing DNA Activation workshops. Through those workshops, an article was given to me that reported how biochemists are using the frequency 528Hz to repair human DNA. The article stated that it was a "C." When I read that I thought, "All I would need to do is go to a piano or other instrument and play a "C" and then, in the DNA workshops we would be able to repair DNA."
Well, it wasn’t that simple, because I discovered that the regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) was not the 528 Hz frequency "C", as described in the article. Instead, I discovered that a regular "C" vibrates to a frequency of only 512 Hz, and that the "C" of 528 Hz used in DNA repair had been a part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale. Moreover, the difference in the scales existed because of different tuning methods that were utilized in ancient times, vs. those in general use today. Later, we will explore that difference between how we create music today vs. how we used to create it, and how that simple change has made all of the difference in the world.
How I found out about the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies
I found this ancient scale to be part of a 6-tone scale sequence of electro-magnetic frequencies called the Original Solfeggio Scale through the book "The Healing Codes of Biological Apocalypse" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. These particular frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, who received them in a wonderful experience that some would suggest was mystical. These frequencies are not something new, but they are something very old.
I shared the information about these frequencies with a musician friend who had a studio in her home. After reviewing the information, she decided that she would like to experiment with these frequencies in the form of meditation music. She was also in touch with Jonathan Goldman (author of the book, "Healing Sounds") and he knew of these frequencies, and was using them in some of his music such as "The Lost Chord" CD. Aryiana requested that he have the tuning forks made for her to research the frequencies. I asked if she could also have a set made for me.
After I received the tuning forks and began talking about them around the country, I noticed that people were resonating with the information about these powerful frequencies. It felt as though something was going on in a much larger picture. We were connecting energetically to this information, and yet I didn’t know what I was going to do with the tuning forks. Then people began to ask if I could use the tuning forks on them. From those experiences, and with information I had gathered, a method and technique began to develop. I called the technique SomaEnergetics TM, which is designed to utilize the optimum energy of the Solfeggio frequencies using tuning forks. Soma, meaning "body" in the Greek, combines the wholistic idea of the body as an energy field - SomaEnergetics TM.
When starting these first tunings, the main frequency that I knew the most about was 528 Hz – that biochemists are using for DNA repair. I realized that the right side of the body is controlled by the left-brain, and the left side by the right brain and that these correspond with our inner male and female energies. As I took the fork down each side of the body, I could get in touch with the dominate ancestral DNA that comes thru the Mother’s side or Father’s side of the chromosomes. I would many times get a tremendous imbalance in the sound between the two sides. The purpose of energy work, as many of you know, is to attain balance. For example, if everything is in balance, such as the ph level, the physical body can heal more naturally. It’s the same way in our energy bodies. If we can find that energy balance, that equilibrium, where everything aligns or everything comes into synchronization into the rhythm of the dance of life – then healing becomes the natural state. It’s nothing supernatural, or miraculous. I think a lot of spiritual texts have referred to this idea when they describe, "going home to heaven." Heaven, to me, is the complete synchronization with higher frequencies and vibrations of creation being totally entrained. In other words, being in a state of at-one-ment.
When I would continue to do the technique, the sound would begin to even out between the male and female sides of the body, and the client would indicate they were "feeling" a shift. As that would occur, I was totally amazed, and asked myself, "What is happening here?" Although I’ve been a speaker of spiritual things for over 40 years, I can’t tell you that I’ve been the most intuitive person in the world. All of a sudden I started having certain feelings about what to do with the forks. I found that at some point in working with the client, I stopped "doing" the tuning forks (being the initiator of the technique), and they started "doing me" – seeming to direct the movement of the Forks! After hundreds of tunings and positive testimonies, I have learned to trust the Ancient Solfeggio Scale frequencies in the form of Tuning Forks as a legitimate modality.
Energy and Relationship
Everything is relationship. I remember Dr. Fred Wolf, who is a physicist stating on a tape "Everything is consciousness." He further noted, "When you are observing an object, on some level the object is observing you." As I listened to that statement, I thought it was strange. I then realized that because something doesn’t have a human consciousness, as I do, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s own consciousness. Apparently, observing something changes it on some level – that the observer, and the observed are one.
I treat the Solfeggio tuning forks as a conscious "entity." They are energy, they’re vibration, they’re frequency – the client is vibration, frequency and energy – I am vibration, frequency and energy. All of that coming together begins to produce a synergetic experience that takes place on many levels. The energy bodies that we focus on using the Solfeggio Frequencies are the physical, the etheric, the mental/emotional, and the astral.
Sound, Vibration and Form
For more than 200 years, researchers have been validating the connections of Sound and Vibrations on physical form. The first to make that connection was German scientist Ernst Chladni, who, in 1787, detailed his research in his book "Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Music." In that pioneering work, he explained ways to make sound waves generate visible structures. He detailed how a violin bow, drawn at a right angle across a flat plate covered with sand, produces patterns and shapes. Today, those patterns and shapes are called Chaldni figures. (Coincidentally, Chaldni died in 1829, the same year as Beethoven. Mozart, a Free Mason, heavily influenced Beethoven about the mathematics of music, and likely influenced Chaldni as well).1
In 1815, Mathematician Nathaniel Bowditch followed up on Chaldi’s discoveries. He concluded that the conditions for these designs to arise were because the frequencies, or oscillations per second, were in whole number ratios to each other—such as 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and so on.2
The study of wave phenomena, the ability of sound to organize and repattern matter, is called Cymatics. According to John Beaulieu, in Music and Sound in the Healing Arts, "Form is the more elusive component of sound. Sound-forms can be seen by subjecting mediums such as sand, water, or clay to a continuous sound vibration." The following pictures taken by Dr. Hans Jenny are sound-forms. They were obtained by placing various mediums on a steel plate with a crystal sound oscillator attached to the bottom. The Oscillator creates a pulse, which vibrates the steel plate. The forms on the plate are examples of sound organizing matter." Jenny also "noticed that when the vowels of ancient languages like Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for those vowels. "Modern languages, including English, failed to generate those patterns."
"Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy." David Bohm
Jenny concluded that were examples of cymatic elements everywhere—"vibrations, oscillations, pulses, wave motions, pendulum motions, rhythmic courses of events, serial sequences, and their effects and actions"—and they effected everything including biological evolution. The evidence convincingly demonstrated that all natural phenomena were ultimately dependent on, if not entirely determined by the frequencies of vibration. He argued that physical healing could be aided or hindered by tones. Different frequencies influenced genes, cells, and various structures in the body, he claimed.
Vibration of Music of the Spheres: "Every cell pulsates, reflects and interacts with acoustic oscillations of the medium. Even the earth and sun vibrate in unison based on a main rhythm of 160 minutes. Each musical note is therefore united to non-audible notes of higher octaves, and each symphony to other symphonies that we do not hear, and although they make our cells oscillate and possibly resonate. Even DNA has it’s own melody. The musical nature of nuclear matter from atoms to galaxies is now recognized by official science."3 In " Molecules of Emotion," by Candice Pert, Ph.D., she writes, "… basically, receptors function as scanners (sensing molecules, on a cellular level). They cluster in cellular membranes, waiting for the right ligand (much smaller molecules than receptors), to come dancing along (diffusing) through the fluid surrounding each cell, and mount them – binding with them and (tickling ) them to turn them on and get them motivated to vibrate a message into the cell. Binding of the ligand to the receptor is likened to two voices, striking the same note and producing a vibration that rings a doorbell to open the doorway to the cell."
Poet Cathie Guzetta summarized this science best when she wrote:
"The forms of snowflakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants, and human beings may be, in some way, music that has taken on visible form."
How Did The Solfeggio Frequencies Get Lost?
I discovered that these powerful frequencies had been given to the church many years ago for a very spiritual purpose. This was back when the church was a wonderful place for the people in the villages to gather together. The church served as a social, political, and spiritual place. People came to Mass, which at that time, was done in Latin (until Vatican II came along). When people sing in Latin or musical tones, it is very powerful, because it gets through all of the limited thought forms, and into deeper levels of the subconscious – accessing insights beyond belief systems.
As described above by Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. She states that we have 70 different receptors on the molecules and when vibration and frequency reaches that far they begin to vibrate. Moreover, she observed, "as they begin to vibrate they sort of touch each other, and tickle each other, and they play and mount each other." It’s this whole energetic dance ritual, at the cellular level, that opens the chromosomes and exposes the DNA to the frequencies. When we do toning, drumming, chanting, or tuning forks – it can be a way to direct energy for transformational purposes.
Vibration and sound can be used, like most things, either with positive intention or negative intention. Used negatively, it’s nothing more than control and manipulation. Most of the world has been built upon control and manipulation by the way we communicate thru language. A lot of different texts, such as the Bible, talk about the importance of just making Sound—whether it’s chants, drumming, or speaking in tongues (such as the charismatic fundamentalists do), they are just different ways that people are accessing deeper levels of themselves. I suggest to you that the Solfeggio Tuning Forks are an even purer ways of doing that with positive intention.
When Dr. Joseph Puleo was researching the tones, he was directed to a Monsignor at a university in Spokane WA, who was head of the mediaeval department. Following a 20 minute conversation, the
"Can you decipher Mediaeval Latin?’
‘And you know the musical scale and everything?’
‘Well then, could you tell me what ‘UT - queant laxis’ means?’
After a brief pause, the Monsignor quipped, ‘It’s none of your business’
Then he hung up."
Additionally, as Dr. Puleo researched the tones further, he came across a book on Gregorian chants by Professor Emeritus Willi Apel who "argued that the chants being used today were totally incorrect, and undermined the spirit of the Catholic faith."1 Moreover, Professor Apel reported that "one-hundred fifty-two chants were apparently missing. The Catholic Church presumably "lost" these original chants. The chants were based on the ancient original scale of six musical notes called the Solfeggio."1 Trust me, nothing is lost, it’s just neatly put away; however, they cannot hide from the masses what is energetically placed within the Soul.
According to Professor Willi Apel,1 "The orgin of what is now called Solfeggio...arose from a Mediaeval hymn to John the Baptist which has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes and as each syllable ended in a vowel, they were found to be peculiatly adapted for vocal use. Hence "Ut" was artificially replaced by "Do." Guido of Arezzo was the first to adopt them in the 11th century, and Le Marie, a French musician of the 17th century added "Si" for the seventh note of the scale, in order to complete the series."
Further research states that, "Pope Johannes later became a saint - Saint Iohannes - and then the scale was changed. The seventh note "Si" was added from his name. "Si" later became "Ti." These changes significantly altered the frequencies sung by the masses. The alterations also weakened the spiritual impact of the Church’s hymns. Because the music held mathmatic resonance, frequencies capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more "Godlike," the changes affected alterations in conceptual thought as well, further distancing humanity from God." In other words, whenever you sing a Psalm, it is music to the ears. But it was originally intended to be music for the soul as well or the "secret ear." Thus by changing the notes, high matrices of thought and to a great extent well being, was squelched. Now it is time to recover these missing notes."1
I’d heard of do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti, do. I particularly responded to it whenever I hear that song by Julie Andrews from "The Sound of Music." I literally have a "brain cell firing" as it is engraved into my brain, and I see her coming over the mountain in the movie. I didn’t realize this was actually a second, modified scale. The original Solfeggio scale was actually: UT, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA.
Looking at the definitions of each of the original syllables, using hidden entries from Webster’s Dictionary and the Original Greek Apocrypha, I have determined that these original frequencies can be used for: Turning grief to joy, helping the person connect with their Source to bring forth miracles, DNA repair, connecting with spiritual family, solving situations & becoming more intuitive, and, finally, returning to spiritual order.2 Through music these tones can assist all the channels in staying open and keep the life force (the Chi) literally flowing thru the Chakra System quite freely. Is this is what the six electro-magnetic frequencies were to accomplish that were put into "lost" hymns and Gregorian chants?
I think we are living in a tremendously wonderful time, and rather than seeing the glass as "half empty," I see it as "half full." Rather than accepting "CNN’s perspective" of the world view, it’s about finding perspective thru the vision of your own heart. It is about change and transformation of mankind to the next level of evolution. We, as Spiritual Light Workers, have made ourselves accessible at this time, by Divine Appointment, to be here to help those in humanity who choose (it’s all based upon irrevocable choice) to stay, or to go. Those who have chosen to stay will come into our lives, and we have already agreed to assist them.
It’s all about assisting other people. It’s not to be their "Healer," but to assist them in knowing who they are and connecting with their true Source. It is about providing an atmosphere of non-judgement, a Sacred Space, for the purpose of healing themselves. We should be continuously teaching while assisting people. The old paradigm teaches us to keep the information among the professionals. The new paradigm is to share the information, and empower the client. Everyone you work with—whether it’s Reiki, Massage, Tuning Forks or other modalities you are using, you should feel that you’ve empowered that person, so they can extend this information to someone else. Healing has become about our evolution by reconnecting our additional strands of DNA. Healing is also about assisting the person in restoring themselves to a state of "Spiritual Wholeness."
1 "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz, p. 345-6
2 Ibid.
3 From "Man’s Cosmic Game" by Guiliana Conforto
The 3, 6, and 9
As we look at the six original Solfeggio frequencies, using the Pythagorean method, we find the base or root vibrational numbers are 3,6, & 9. Nicola Tesla tells us, and I quote: "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."
John Keely, an expert in electromagnetic technologies, wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful." In fact, he proved the "vibratory antagonistic thirds was thousands of times more forceful in separating hydrogen from oxygen in water than heat." In his "Formula of Aqueous Disintegration" he wrote that, "molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects."
In the book of Genesis it states that there are six days of creation. Yet many talk about the creation week – or seven days, and the Christian Bible views the number seven as the number of completeness. Why Seven? It is due to the influence of the Near Eastern culture at the time in which Jesus lived, when it was believed that there were only seven planets.
When wrestling with adding a 7th number, I was mystically drawn to an article in Discover Magazine. In his newest book, Just Six Numbers, Rees argues that six numbers underlie the fundamental physical properties of the universe, and that each is the precise value needed to permit life to flourish. In laying out this premise, he joins a long, intellectually daring line of cosmologists and astrophysicists (not to mention philosophers, theologians, and logicians) stretching all the way back to Galileo, who presume to ask: Why are we here? As Rees puts it, "These six numbers constitute a recipe for the universe." He adds that if any one of the numbers were different "even to the tiniest degree, there would be no stars, no complex elements, no life." (From Discovery Magazine). As some authors have speculated, could these tones have played a role in the miraculous shattering of Jericho’s great wall in six days before falling on the seventh day? Some scientists are now stating that if we have been created, we most likely would have been sung into existence. Is it possible that the six days of creation mentioned in Genesis represent six fundamental frequencies that underlie the universe? Religious scholars believe both events occurred as a result of sounds being spoken or played.
Other scientists, including the geniuses Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife, as well as Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, and Chladni, all must have known about, and used the concept of, the inherent power of threes, sixes, and nines. So we are dealing with three powerful numbers: 3-6-9. Everyone of the six Solfeggio Tuning Forks all add up, individually to the Pythagorean scheme of 3-6-9. In fact, because there are two sets of 3-6-9 (anagrams) in the solfeggio, they are even more powerful as these combinations serve as "portals" to other dimensions!
Just Intonation – 12 Tone Equal Temperament
As I observed earlier, another reason these Ancient Solfeggio frequencies became "lost" was because of the change in tuning practices throughout history. The standard tuning method for the past 200 years is quite different from the tuning practices dating from antiquity through about the 16th century A.D. These ancient tuning practices used a system of tuning known as Just Intonation. The tuning practice adopted for western cultures during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, and used today, is known as Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament. The explanation of the fundamentals of these tuning systems is far too complex for this agenda, but the following quote from a book written by David B. Doty, titled The Just Intonation Primer, should give an idea of the confinement that music has been relegated to. "Essentially, music has been placed in a box of limitations"— as the result of the rigidity imposed by the Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament tuning standards in use today.
"Although it is difficult to describe the special qualities of Just (Intonation) intervals to those who have never heard them, words such as clarity, purity, smoothness, and stability come readily to mind. The supposedly consonant intervals and chords of (12-Tone) Equal Temperament, which deviate from simple rations to varying degrees, sound rough, restless, or muddy in comparison." Just Intonation can be found in many of the great Fathers of Classical Music – Beethoven and Hyden, just to name a few. They did not use this 12-tone temperament and I think that is why we have a richer experience when we hear music that was composed several hundred years ago. Classical Music based on Just Intonation gives us a different rapport with time and space and brings us into our higher chakras.
Native American chanting is many times based on Just Intonation. The chanting seems to sound monotone, but we are finding out that within the monotone sound is multi-dimensional harmonics.
How these different types of tones affect our health
Consequently, since all music in our contemporary world (from commercials, to modern hymns and symphonies) has been composed utilizing the 12-Tone Equal Temperament Scale, they all have vibrational limits. As a result, vibrational frequency of the tones of modern music can create situations such as "boxed-in thinking," stuffed and suppressed emotions; and fear-based " lack" consciousness—all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms of "dis-ease."
This is in contrast to music created from the Ancient Solfeggio Scale, which stimulates the vibration of expanded creativity, easier problem solving and holistic health.
Again, it should be noted that although there are contemporary notes that approximate the Solfeggio tones, they are not the same frequencies as the ancient tones. Example: The Solfeggio tone, Mi. vibrates to 528 Hz. The closest, comparable, contemporary tone is C, above Middle C, which vibrates at 512 Hz. Our research indicates that the vibrational frequencies contained in the Solfeggio tones hold these original healing potentials.

Sharing Secrets of Human Evolution

Ancient Mantras: Secret Light-Sound Frequency Technology Revealed

The “Secret of the Mantras” was revealed to me after an experiential experience I had and if anyone who is reading this has also come across this secret knowledge please let me know as I have tried looking for it and I cannot find it elsewhere.

Mantras, are primordial sound chants. Primordial sounds that are connected with "seed syllables". Seed syllables are sounds that are intertwined in the creation of the universe. Some of these sacred sounds are HU, OM, RA, EL, IS. Chanting is done by holding a seed syllable for a prolonged period of time in conjuction with breathing patterns to create waves of harmonic sounds.

In the same way that water reveals the rainbow on a sunny day as you are watering your garden, so too does the mantra reveal the unseen and the unheard, so too does the mantra reveal the secret light.

Vibration or frequency can be expressed through color and sound as these are qualities of the light in expression for perception. But humans can only see and hear within a certain range under “normal” circumstances.

Yet, under altered states of consciousness as those reached through meditation and other methods, our level of vibration expands our consciousness to see and hear beyond what is deemed as “normal”. Some of us are naturally more or less veiled then others and can see and hear more or less, but for the most part there is a general consensus on this so called “normal range”.

Right now there are inaudible frequencies being projected from everything, and I really do mean everything.

Your desk, your computer, the body, your brain, your house… all things are in a state of vibration and are therefore creating sound and light in some form or other. Some of these frequencies are chaotic and others are based in sacred geometry. Chaotic vibrations are those predominantly made by men, which are not based in sacred geometry and cause disruptions in the natural flow of energies and so much more. These are normally referred to as EMF’s, or Electro Magnetic Frequencies and they are responsible for making you feel anxious for no reason when you are around a computer or near electrical smog for too long. (More on this topic later)

Vibrations based on sacred geometry are like those that emanate from the sun, the earth, trees, plants and even certain pyramids. These are based on natural harmonics that speak, move and are in harmony with life and the language of light.

Secret chambers of the pyramids as well as Native American flutes were tuned to a very specific frequency. A frequency pitch that was lost for a long time as common knowledge. This particular pitch through my research and other methods of seeking I found to correlate to different cultures and “sacred knowledge” of what is known as the “Sacred Heart”. The heart emanating a very high state of pure love enters a higher octave, a higher dimension of being that emanates the frequency pitch of 729hz or F#.

The nervous system is able to be “entrained” by applying a continuous frequency, which can inspire it into a higher state of resonance with sacred geometric harmonics or enter into dissonance as explained with the EMF’s and other man-made chaotic frequencies.

For those of you that are wondering, what does this all mean? All of this technical data is for the seekers that do understand and can take this information and make something of it, but it is not necessary to apply “The Secret of the Mantras” and gain benefit from it.

The “Secret of the Mantras” is that when you chant OM for example, and it is not something that can be replicated by speakers, it is only experienced by live chanting, the frequency wave of OM travels into ether space and interacts with the inaudible sacred harmonics and “Deciphers” these sacred inaudible waves which you receive as audible frequencies which then can be used to entrain your consciousness and your entire being into these higher light harmonics.

For those of you who did not get it on the first round. This mean that when you chant OM, there is a whistle like sound that is heard, this whistle-like sound is not being made by you, it is a sound that is already there but is inaudible unless you “decipher” it with Primordial sounds like OM.

When you hear this whistle, this higher harmonics pitch frequency it means you are exercising the “Secret of the Mantras” and receiving back as feedback these sacred harmonics which your nervous system and your entire being can use to enter higher states, heal, and return to a pure state of harmony.

One of these primordial sounds reveals the sacred heart frequency and can help to elevate your consciousness into a state of true “Christ consciousness” which naturally emanates the sacred heart frequency from your being through the process of entrainment.

There is alot of information that relates more in the modern time and in ancient to sound and the power of sound. Cymatics is a great science that reveals amazing details about the structure of sound in relation to sacred geometry.

All these methods are simply more and more ways to refine who we are, to become more and more conscious and aware beings, with more and more ways to connect to and emanate the consciousness of love.

And as always remember to choose the love option more times than not. Till' next time.

The Law of Attraction and Brainwave Entrainment

The Law of Attraction and Brainwave Entrainment

By Song Chengxiang

I would like to discuss some of my ideas about the law of attraction and brainwave entrainment technology.

Since the movie "The Secret" was released, the Law of Attraction has become a very popular term. All of sudden, everyone is talking about the Law of Attraction, but do we really understand it? The truth of the matter is that there are only a handful of people who can really understand the Law of Attraction from its essence, and truly make it work.

I don't want to pretend to be an expert, I just want to share with you some thoughts about the Law of Attraction from a point of view that very few have been aware of.

I would like to start with the discussion on the science of Quantum Physics.

Quantum Physics is the study of the building blocks of the universe. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in this universe is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles sometimes called quanta. These sub-atomic particles are nothing but concentration of energy.

It has become clear that everything in this universe is made of energy. The only difference between an atom of lead and an atom of gold is that the atom of lead has energy that is vibrating at a different frequency to the energy of gold. It is clear that the reason why the same particles grow together is because they are vibrating at the same frequency.

Since everything is made up of energy, then what is thought? Thought is also energy, vibrating at a particular frequency. This has been proven in laboratories. With proper instruments, scientists can measure the frequency of thoughts, or brain waves.

Now, we should understand things do not just happen accidentally. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason. The reason is within us. It is our own thoughts that have created everything that we have now. There is no coincidence, there are no miracles, everything happens precisely according to the laws. Everything we have is attracted by our own thoughts. We are the creators.

There is bad news and good news. The bad news is that we have misused the Law of Attraction; as a result we have experienced many unwanted things in our lives. The good news is that from now on, we can consciously attract anything we want effortlessly. The only thing we need to do is to send out the vibration of thoughts that matches the frequency of the things we want. All the rest will be taken care of by the law itself. You will be doing the right things at the right time. What you want also wants you... Like attracts like.

In summary, our thoughts are vibrational energy; we can create anything we want by focusing our thoughts on the very thing we want. Everything else is taken care of by the Law of Attraction. We are what we think of most of the time.

Sounds simple, isn't it?

But how do we apply the Law of Attraction? The simplest way to apply it is to hold a mental picture of what you desire as long as possible and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you want with certainty; you will see it quickly in your real life.

That's the basic idea of the Law of Attraction...

What you should know is that brainwave entrainment technology can put you into a desired higher frequency vibration.

But how does that happen?

Let's see what this brainwave entrainment technology is all about...

Generally speaking, Brain Wave Entrainment is a process where the brain synchronizes to and resonates with external stimuli.

For example, in the "Quantum Mind Power with The Morry Method" system that we created, various "sculpted" tones and embedded frequencies are used in order to get the brain to go into altered (but very natural) states of consciousness.

When the brain reacts to these tones and goes into these altered states (altered forms of consciousness), various and beneficial neurotransmitters and endorphins are released.

These are all necessary neuro-chemicals that our brain and body need to function properly, healthfully and naturally.

When the brain is stimulated with pulsed sounds
(neuro-electrical activity via the nerves originating from the ears), the overall activity of the brain will respond to and align with these pulses... By selecting the desired rate, the brain via the frequency following response(entrainment can be naturally induced towards the selected brainwave state.

It is also because of the frequency following response or entrainment that these pulsed sounds
often produce benefits similarly found with deep meditation.

Now you should understand the value of this astonishing technology, and why I was so excited when I first heard of this technology from my now dear friend Morry.

Think about it! If the Law of Attraction does its job, and brainwave entrainment does its job, what a perfect match for thse two!

Can you see what I mean?

Let's say you have something that you desire to have in your life, you know that in order to bring it into your reality, you have to raise your vibration to the level that matches the thing that you desire. You probably find it hard to raise and maintain your high vibration unless you have SUPER powerful self-discipline.

BUT brainwave entrainment gives you a perfect solution to this problem, because this technology can help you to produce the high vibration simply by listening to the sound tracks.

Certainly this is not a magic pill, you can't expect your desires to come true overnight, you still have to do your work faithfully, but this technology definitely removes much of your burden, and makes it much easier to raise and maintain your high vibration.

I get excited whenever I talk about this amazing
technology, especially "The Morry Method" that originated from my friend, the certified respected brainwave entrainment expert Morry Zelcovitch.

I want to bring awareness of this incredible technology to the public. There is so much more we can achieve with this cutting edge technology. One day, this amazing technology will go into every household.

Research on Spontaneous DNA Transmutations

Lets get right down to it. I have been doing intuitive research on the DNA changes that have started and will continue leading up to the December 21st, 2012 date. I started doing work on this because of the crop circles that David Wilcock had a slide of in the 2012 Enigma presentation. The ones I am referring to are the three that showed a geometric metamorphosis of the DNA molecule.  This information presented by Mr. Wilcock is what inspired me to do my own intuitive investigations on this topic.

2012 Enigma Presentation

I am working with a Multiversal team of higher dimensional consciousnesses that span over 450 million universes that happen to be entangled with our own universe.  My higher self is mediating, moderating and coordinating information from this team to me.  When I viewed the information about DNA in David Wilcock’s presentation, I decided to use pendulum dowsing to gain information from this team of beings on when the DNA shifts where going to happen.  I started out by first asking if this theory of DNA changing due to the upcoming changes in 2012 was accurate, and the answer was yes.  Then I went on to ask more questions.

But first for a brief summary, there where 3 geometric shifts in the etheric DNA  in our subtle energy bodies. These changes have not yet, but will eventually manifest by unlocking all of the so called “Junk” DNA present in all of our codes. According to genetic science, this junk DNA coding comprises more than 90% of the DNA coding in the human genome. They call it junk because they currently have found no manifestations of it in the flesh to correlate the codes to.  What the main stream geneticists either have not figured out yet or are not disclosing,  is that this DNA code is far from being junk.  Nature does not make holographic mistakes on things like this.  That unused code houses the full potential of all of our consciousnesses.

What Role Does the Galaxy Play in all of this?

These geometric shifts in the current double helix structure of the etheric subtle energy DNA are going to be driven by certain thresholds in the frequency of consciousness. As we approach the equator of the galaxy, the frequency of consciousness accelerates to higher and higher frequencies. These frequencies will change the geometry of DNA and everything else in our holographic universe because it is all made of pure consciousness. Also because the universe is completely geometric and fractal in nature.  No matter where you look in creation, you find fractal geometry.
Here is a good example of how increasing frequency can suddenly change the geometric patterning of matter and energy.  This video clip is of a scientific demonstration of cymatics. Cymatics is the way that sound frequency can change the geometric organization of randomly arranged particles.  The material that is being sprinkled onto the plate is quartz sand.  Then this quartz sand is being vibrated through a range of sound frequencies that are being transmitted to the particles through the plate.
Cymatics Demonstration
As you can see when specific sound frequencies are reached there is a sudden change in the structure of the geometry that the sand particles are forming.  I know that our subtle energy bodies are not made of sand, and that the frequency of consciousness are not sound frequencies.  However, seeing as how everything is made from consciousness.  Then perhaps sound is just a function of consciousness and this experiment is giving us a macro view of how the underlying structure of reality works.
Moreover, the center of the galaxy pumps out waves of consciousness. According to David’s intuitive research, these waves will drastically increase in the frequency with which the solar system passes through them the closer we get to 2012. So I began by dowsing the interval between the waves.  I can not be sure that these are the exact type of wave that David Wilcock was speaking about.  However, my team of higher dimensional contacts informed me that the changes in the frequency of consciousness can be measured in terms of waves.
They where happening multiple times per second when I did this work back in the Fall of 2008. I established the measurement to be waves per second. So the waves per second at the three threshold frequencies for the metamorphosis where…

1st DNA shift 945,536 waves / second
2nd DNA shift 4,635,344 waves / second
3rd DNA shift 12,335,324 waves / second


1st: 10/9/08
2nd: 11/26/08
3rd: 2/11/09

Keep in mind that these where off by one or two in either direction because I am not taking into account the fractions of days at play. So after the 3rd shift, assuming your where not holding your frequency down (fear), your etheric subtle energy DNA should now be 4th dimensional compatible.  What happened when these shifts took place?  People the world over began to experience what some have called the dark night of the soul. The subtle energies are where all of the memories and emotional baggage is stored from this life time and others.
When the geometry of the subtle energy DNA changed, all low frequency suppressed emotions and memories began flooding to the surface.  During and shortly after the dates I have listed above almost everyone on earth experienced this.  There are many people that have not allowed themselves to release these things that where trying to purge from their systems.  These people are either not going to make it, or are headed for a full on fragmentation of their consciousness.  There are many who have already started to fragment.  If you live in a westernized materialistic society then you probably know some of them.

The Symbyosis of the Photon Belt and The Subtle Energy Bodies

Alright, we have now established solid logic for why DNA is geometric and hypersensitive to frequencies of consciousness. Particularly the DNA that exists in the subtle energy bodies we all have. The DNA in these bodies then will eventually manifest in the flesh. Great, so will all of these energy changes kick in and if so when?
Yes, we will transmutate into the next higher step in humanoid evolution in this Galaxy. As I have discovered researching deeper and deeper into the subject, there is a final trigger that will cause the full manifestation of the subtle energy DNA in the flesh. That trigger is the jump to the 4th density / dimension of consciousness.  Where as we currently reside in the 3rd density / dimension of consciousness.  What then causes this jump to a higher version of reality?  The photon belt is responsible.
It is a thick region emanating from the galactic equator that is named “Photon Belt” because of the high concentration of photonic particles that exist within it.  Our solar system is already well within the outer boundaries of the photon belt.  My intuitive pendulum dowsing now turns up that we will reach a the critical density of this photon belt starting at the beginning of the Universal Underworld on the Mayan calendar.  By critical density I mean the point where our reality and DNA spontaneously upgrades.
According to Dr. Carl Calleman’s latest findings the Universal Underworld of the Mayan Calendar will start on February 11, 2011.  My dowsing is confirming that this is the point where our actual physical DNA changes.  If you do not know what I am referring to when I mention the Universal Underworld of the Mayan Calendar then you should click on the words “What is a Tone 3 Jaguar” at the top of the page.  There you will find some videos by a man named Ian Lunglold that explains what a Mayan Underworld (time period) is all about.  You can also visit Carl Calleman’s excellent web site by CLICKING HERE.
As I have already established the DNA shifts first occur in the etheric DNA located in the 14 subtle energy layers around the body. This etheric DNA is the multifaceted programming structure that is manifested in the vessel we call our flesh. Once the low frequency emotions have purged from the subtle energies one will exhibit higher levels of consciousness than they have before.  This is because the subtle energies significantly enhance our conscious connection to the higher dimensions.
A good before and after analogy of the before and after connection to higher planes would be the following.  Before the subtle energy upgrades took place you where tunning in with a pair of rabbit ear antenna, post subtle energy shift you are tunning in with a Direct TV HD satellite dish.
Even so these changes do not automatically change the DNA of our flesh.  This being said, there is a third input that is needed for the programming structure of the subtle energies to be fully manifested in the form of a new light body vessel. Or as the Aztecs call it, Homoluminous.
How the photon belt does this can be directly compared to the experiments in DNA that where done by the Russians over the last few decades.  I heard about these experiments also from David Wilcock in his audio book called “The science of Peace”,  CLICK HERE for “The Science of Peace”.
In one of the experiments, a scientist took the embryo of a frog and one of a salamander (fertilized eggs). He used photons from a non burning laser, and projected them through the salamander embryo and on to the frog embryo. The result was that the DNA of the frog completely transmuted into the DNA of a salamander. The frog egg hatched and out came a salamander.
The holographic DNA signature of the frog was transferred with only the assistance of an infrared laser.  In case you are not aware, a laser is a concentrated stream of organized photons.  This is possible because DNA can exist in either the wave state where it is a probability.  Or it can also exist in the solid state where it is the double helix we have all come to be so familiar with.  The infrared beam carries the waves state of the DNA over to the still forming solid state double helix of the salamanders DNA and reprograms the still forming salamander into a frog.
Why does this matter? It shows that with a highly concentrated steam of photons, DNA can be transferred in the wave state and imprinted on different DNA causing it to transform to the incoming holographic signature.  The Photon belt that we will soon pass through will have the same effect as the photons from the laser. These photons will first pass through our already ascended subtle energy DNA that surrounds all of us, and carry the wave signatures of the ascended DNA into the DNA of our material bodies.
Just like the scientific experiment, this will cause the DNA of our 3rd density bodies to be reconfigured to the more complex geometry as depicted by the below crop circle. The end result of all of this is spontaneous evolution of our species to homoluminous.  It will take more than infrared laser beams to accomplish this.  It will probably take a soup of exotic photons all at the right intensity level to cause spontaneous evolution of the human race.  This will be entirely possible because everything in this Universe was designed to function like a well tuned race car.  There is no chaos, the creators intent is everywhere.

Catalyst for the Polarization of Society

It is also important to note that this third and final shift for the masses is the catalyst for the split, or polarization, of society. Weather an individual is in service to self consciousness or service to others consciousness does not effect if they get these geometric changes in the DNA. I had previously concluded that those holding themselves down at low frequencies would not get the changes. I was wrong, they get the changes just like the rest of us.
The #1 common new ability between people will be enhanced ability to manifest circumstances into their experience. Due to this, those who believe in a doom and gloom future for themselves will begin to manifest mass quantities of bad stuff into their life. This will also come in the form of other negative people who are also manifesting their own bad stuff. This is how they get congregated into geographic locations. By the law of attraction, they are so much alike that it just ends up that way.
On the contrary, the opposite holds true for the optimists of the world. They will all begin to manifest mass quantities of positive stuff. This will also come in the form of other people who are manifesting good. Then these groups by natural law end up in the same geographic locations.  If something happens in your life that causes you to have to move to another location, don’t push against it. If you do, you might end up surrounded by the wrong crowd.

Chronological Logistics

I have been contemplating about the chronological chain of events in our consciousness. If we are going to have increased ability to manifest, then this is the primary reason for the purging of emotions from your chakras and subtle bodies.  They say that something like 90% of what the average person manifests into their reality is due to the signals being sent out via the subconscious mind. If the emotions that are attached to old memories did not purge before you had enhanced manifestation capability, then you would start manifesting all bad stuff.
I guess that this is what determines which side of the fence you fall on, let go of these emotions and fall on the positive side of the fence. Or refuse to let go of them and polarize towards the negative on the other side. This is why holding frequency down is bad. It is the low frequency of consciousness that does not allow these emotions from purging.  This also must be where the 4th density negative realm that I have heard David Wilcock speak of from the Law of One series is able to exist.  These people still make the jump to the 4th density / dimension.
However, they will be separated from the higher levels of this dimension by a very thick veil. Much in the same way that our dimension is veiled from the 4th right now.  I think that this is where the perception of rapture from the Christian mystery schools is coming from.  Those who go to negative 4th density / dimension during the shift will seem as though they have vanished.  Consequently, those individuals who do go to the negative version of this higher reality will perceive that all of the people who went to positive 4d have vanished from their experience.
Could there be any circumstances that could result in a person not making the shift to this new higher reality?  Well there are giant shielded rooms in the NWO and Illuminati underground bases where people may not get the beneficial side effects of the transition.  The PTB (powers that be) have built numerous massive underground cities and bases because they think that there will be some sort of mass extinction event in the near future.  Hopefully for us they are wrong about such events taking place.  I for one think they are.
My most recent dowsing on the percentages of people that will polarize to the negative world wide shows an incremental decrease. I check it out every couple months. Each time I check the number of people who will make it to the positive reality the number has increased. I think there will probably be a much smaller percentage of people in negative 4d than I initially thought there would be. I thought it would be more like 1/3rd. It is probably going to be about 10 percent or less if the trend continues over the next 4 years.

6-9 DNA Upgrades for Some

There is some other info that I have dowsed up about the predictions by David Wilcock that he makes at the end of the 2012 Enigma Video. In the panel discussion as David is concluding his dialogue, and he said that there will be people on the planet that end up getting the full ascended abilities and are able to use them in 3rd density as if it was 4th. He did not elude to the specifics of the dimensions like I have here. He instead just ambiguously said, “There will be people with full ascended abilities before the shift”. The logistics are being assumed by me just out of logic.
I started doing some dowsing about how this would come about. What I came up with was something out of Greek Mythology. It is probably prevalent in other ancient faiths, but that is the one I know the most about because they taught it in the Latin classes I took in high school. This has to do with the idea of emanations of deities. My definition of a deity is an omnipresent being in the higher dimensions. Others call them ETs. I think that this is much to ambiguous. The first thing that pops into peoples heads when they hear ETs are the little gray men. So I will refer to them as deities.  I am just using the word for reference, not so that we can start worshiping them.
In Greek mythology there where multiple myths of humans who took on ascended abilities. A couple of examples would be Dionysus, and Hercules. Seeing as how the ancient Greek mythology was loosely tied to the Atlantis mythology, I think these super humans may have been real stories from the time before the crossing in Atlantis. So these are the only type of historical accounts we can really go on as to what happened the last time the shit hit the fan.
What if at the end of time before Atlantis and Lemuria made the jump to 4th density (their 2012), there actually was a guy like Hercules around. This would be an example of a potential ascended individual. The strength to lift enormous amounts of weight effortlessly would be cake if you could use your intention to take the effects of gravity off of the object with conscious intent.  Then there are the legends of the people on flying carpets from India.  This could be another example of an ascended person getting from point A to point B.
Apparently there are many emanations of these “deities” on the planet right now. For their entire multiple lifetime experience they have lived and died as normal human beings. The dowsing turns up that there are approx. 122,000 of these souls here now. What this means also is that their higher self is also one of these “Deities”. Perhaps these higher selves are simply up one higher dimension than the masses. Or perhaps these emanations are part of the elemental forces of the Planet Earth.
According to what the dowsing reveals, there will be 6-9 DNA upgrades for these people before our critical juncture in the photon belt. Their ascension will take place at the same time as other people, however they will have more advanced evolutionary changes initially.  In the mean time these peoples subtle energy bodies will be exposed to even higher frequencies of consciousness than the average person.  This will be possible due to the individuals higher self having the option to do this.  Once the first 3 DNA upgrades are complete, the connection to the higher self is so much less corroded that the higher self can do this type of work for individual chosen for such a role.

If you have any questions about any of this information, please feel free to email me with your questions.

How to Evolve Your Brain Using Brain Evolution

BrainEv means Brain Evolution. Our brains evolved over millions of years but now they can evolve faster -- in days, hours or even minutes.

Can YOU imagine a simple self-development tool that improves your mind while you relax and listen to unique and interesting sounds?

A method that enables you to THINK FASTER and with more CLARITY than EVER BEFORE!

DOUBLE your ability to learn. THINK like a genius. RELEASE stress. BREEZE through your studies. UNLOCK hidden ability. SOLVE problems quickly.

It is POSSIBLE - when you discover the Brain Evolution System. Read this lens to find out how.

The Brain Evolution System is a simple, six-CD program for helping you MASTER your BRAIN - by literally CHANGING your BRAINWAVES.

It works by using special sounds to help influence your brainwaves - which helps to change your mood, your focus, your stress levels, your confidence - and MUCH MORE!

You'll find yourself enjoying LIMITLESS ENERGY and MOTIVATION. Your emotional baggage will simply DISAPPEAR. Your relationships will IMPROVE. Your confidence will SOAR. You'll experience more CREATIVE RUSHES. You'll become IMMUNE to worries and tension.

And all because you spend JUST 30 MINUTES listening to a simple audio recording

Brain Evolution Program: What's In the Box

The Brain Evolution System (or BrainEv, for short) has been created as a training gym for the brain-allowing you to command beneficial abilities that varied professionals, and geniuses alike, take strength from. The revolutionary technology behind the BrainEv is designed to make these abilities easy to learn so that you can develop your own personal evolution.
Imagine being able to control your brain to effortlessly:

  • Release tension - so you can relax and operate at emotional, mental, physical efficiency
  • Quiet the mind - allowing you to concentrate and focus with laser-beam accuracy
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  • Boost imagination - for a limitless supply of creative, useful ideas
  • Heighten your interpersonal sensitivity - to gain greater communication and intimacy
  • Increase your ability to understand and retain information - stop forgetting
  • Traverse the conscious/subconscious bridge - and discover your sixth sense 'intuition'

Monday, February 27, 2012

Growing plants that uses sound called "Sonic Bloom".

There is a method for growing plants that uses sound called "Sonic Bloom".

Sonic Bloom is a unique combination sound and a specially formulated foliary spray. The special sound is made up of a harmonic frequencies that parallel bird song. These sounds stimulate the tiny pores on the plant leaves to open. When these pores, called stomata, are open, the plat is able to absorb up to 700% more nutrients.

Once the pores are opened, special nutrients are sprayed onto the plants. These nutrients are really the critical activating factor of Sonic Bloom. The nutrient was derived from seaweed and it contains over 100 trace minerals, amino acids, and naturally occurring growth hormones. The sound is a tool to increase the receptivity of this organic foliar spray.

It may be that rock or death metal happen to hit these notes that mimic birdsong more than other types of music? It could have an impact on the plants is they are sound sensitive like this. This is also a good reason not to use plants when doing this type of experiment.

P.S. Another interesting thing for the gardeners out there is to spread rock dust into the soil of your garden to revitalize the depleted soil. There is a group doing this somewhere or other (Google...) that have been getting plants to grow where they normally do not do well.

Peter Hubner / In Chinese medicine that resonate

There is a German composer called Peter Hubner who composes healing music which is commercially available.

Hubner found that the cells of the body react to the musical scale used by Pythagoras (perhaps this is the same as the Solfeggio scale) and not to the modern western orchestral scale. The Pythagorean scale is flatter (lower in frequency) than the modern orchestral scale

For more about Peter Hubner and his music see :

In Chinese medicine the five main organs of the body are said to resonate
with one of the five notes used in Chinese music . Chinese music uses a pentatonic (five note) scale as opposed to the western heptatonic (seven
note) scale

The Western seven note scale can be approximated to the Chinese five note scale and the organs affected by it as follows:

WESTERN NOTE----------Chinese Element--------------------ORGANS

C---------------------------WATER----------------------KIDNEY and BLADDER

A and B---------------------WOOD-------------------LIVER and GALLBLADDER

G-----------------------------FIRE----------------HEART and SMALL INTESTINE

F and E-----------------------EARTH--------------SPLEEN and STOMACH

D------------------------------METAL--------------LUNG and LARGE INTESTINE

The above information is from a combination of information given to me and from my own research.

Recordings of traditional Chinese pentatonic healing music can be bought from a number of sources.


for more information and examples.

Finally no discussion of music and its effect on the human organism would be complete without a mention of the Russian mystic G.I. Gurdjieff who collected a body of sacred music and dance from monasteries in the East.

Gurdjieff taught that the whole universe from finest energy to coarsest matter could be expressed in three musical octaves.

Type "G.I. Gurdjieff" into YouTube to see and hear examples of the music and dances taught by him.


LUXOR Light continues to evolve in its own spiritual evolution anchoring the frequencies and languages of the Stars and Awakening us to remember who we are at the Core Soul Level and beyond.
Evolving to awakening to the language of "Hiburu\Hebrew" the Mother Tongue of the Angels - the Ancient language of Light, we are assisted into dimensions and realms bringing us into the New Era where Heaven exists on Earth.
It has been said that "if we are to speak with the Gods then we must first learn the language of the Gods". LUXOR Light awakens you to the language of Hiburu so you too can speak the language of the Angels, the language of Light that heals DNA through the light codes passed through the language.

Christina holds the "Keys" of Awakening that take us to a Higher Universal Intelligence and has the ability to pass on the Keys to assist us with "The End Times". The Keys are awakened within us when we come to a state of "Harmlessness", and LUXOR Light anchors this state of Being.

From Lord Metatron, Lord Enoch and the teacher Ahkenaton and the Ascended Master "Lord Serapis Bey" at the Ascension retreat of Luxor, to those of us that accept this energy, amazing healing and growth can be achieved.

Could It Be That Sound Frequency Has the Power To Heal Our DNA NOTES

A close friend referred me to this particular field of study. I trust his judgement. I have not had the chance to put these practices to use personally, to test them out. But during another field of study that I was involved in; strangely enough, sound vibrations were mentioned, and the effects that it had on people.

It was my understanding that the early language of Enoch was in musical vibrations. Sometime ago, I lost some very important bookmarks I had saved, when my PC crashed. I believe that subject was one of them. So, I am afraid that I am just going on memory here.

Some years ago, I heard of a study that was conducted, on the effect that loud rock music vs. classical music had on house plants. It seemed that the plants that were subjected to the loud rock music, died. The plants that were subjected to the classical music, thrived.

So, in summing this up; apparently, sounds and vibrations, apparently do have some effects on us and other living things. It seems also that the biochemists in the above posts, agree, also.

A film was made in the Himalayas in the 1930's showing a group of Tibetan monks, who with the use of ordinary Tibetan musical instruments, would gather into a pie-shape configuration and direct their playing towards a huge boulder that was located on the ground roughly one hundred fifty feet away and at the base of sheer rising mountain wall. About three minutes after the 'concert' began, the boulder began to vibrate and lift off the ground. A moment later, it shot up about 150 feet into the air and landed on a ledge above it, where other monks were using the boulders to seal the entrance of meditation enclaves that they had cut into the sides of the mountain.

Self-healing and DNA activation have many benefits that can be experienced in one's own immediate life, from increased wellbeing to higher-dimensional awareness. As we heal ourselves and increase our own capabilities we also create a resonating field of high frequency that can help others, often without our—or their—conscious awareness. And when we take control of our own spiritual growth, becoming stronger and more focused in our own abilities, it will become increasingly clear to each of us what our next step should be.

It is quite possible to “be in the world and not be part of the world,” but only if we are willing to find out how our power has been taken from us and what we can easily do to begin to take it back.

type Dr. Royal Rife into YouTube for a real eye opener. Second, I've seen a doctor on a video off of the Prophecy Club explain, in detail, how sound is used in biblical times as well as today. the use of MI6 for the british intellengece is quite intresting..
Experience the full effects of Binaural Beats with a free stereo demonstration at

Binaural beats; a sonic alternative medicine. A dependable relaxation tool for resolving depression and anxiety and provides support to make meditation easy.

Binaural Beats are a scientifically proven brain entrainment process that slowly started to gain recognition after an article called, "Auditory Beats in the Brain", by Dr Gerald Oster, was published in the October 1973 edition of Scientific America.

Binaural beats work by sending two different Hz frequencies, to each ear via stereo headphones causing the left and right Brain hemispheres to work in unison to hear a phantom frequency or third tone, the centred Hz difference between the two tones. The Hz separations cerate a constant gentle beat and its timing and pulse match the Hz separation per second.

The individuals and teams described below have taken advantage of the multiple biochemical and biophysical properties of both DNA and proteins to make the genetic patterns of these macromolecules audible. As Hofstadter first suggested, music is a natural medium for expressing the complex patterns of proteins and their encoding DNAs. Both consist of a linear sequence of elements whose real meaning lies in their combinations.

Hayashi and Munakata , using a system that assigned pitches to the four DNA bases according to their thermal stability within the interval of a fifth, found that converting the DNA sequences to music helped to expose the meaning of specific sequences and made remembering and recognizing specific DNA patterns easier. Dr. Munakata has continued to explore music as way of understanding gene and protein sequences. A more detailed exposition of his ideas and samples of his musical translations of DNA and protein sequences can be found at his beautiful web site at:

Research in 1950 at the Max Planck Institute in Germany found that when a mechanically created scalar wave was introduced into a petrie dish containing living cells, the cells separated, lost their clumping and became more active within the fluid medium. This is a significant finding. All disease, injury or degeneration is accompanied by swelling and stasis in blood and lymphatic circulation. The body’s healing substances are then immobilized. Apparently the expansion aspect of the scalar energy improves circulation by removing the pressures. We have found that the scalar energy remarkably reduces swelling. I doubt that this occurs from ionization of fluids because the zero-frequency of the scalar is not ionized.”

Improving chemistry.

“Puharich found improvement in the immune and endocrine systems from in vitro study of scalars. Rein did extensive biological studies using the Teslar watch. Lymphocytes exposed to the Teslar watch scalars increased proliferation by 75% compared to the same watch without a scalar coil. Using other scalar generators he discovered a modulation of basic biochemical communication between nerve cells. Byrd also showed scalar energy increased the strength of low-level EEG frequencies. Rein found individual differences in biological responses to both electromagnetic fields and scalar energy. Our research has shown that the individual’s signature pattern of the electromagnetic field, probably the coherency of the individual’s field.