Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Angelic or Enochian Alphabet Part. 1

The illustration shown below is of the “Enochian”, “Angelic” or “Adamical” alphabet as drawn by Edward Kelley on the 6th of May 1583, at the end of the Loagaeth (in MS. Sloane 3189 – note that this is not the same as Dee’ copy of the alphabet in MS. Sloane 3188, which is slightly different).  Dee’s diary entry contains this note:
But it is to be noted that when E.K. could not aptly imitate the form of the characters or letters as they were shewed, that then they appeared drawn on his paper with a light yellow colour, which he drew the black upon; and so the yellow colour disappearing, there remained only the shape of the letter in black…
   Regarding the letters themselves, Dee notes in a conversation with the angel Il (28th April 1583):
Dee: And first I think that those letters of our Adamical alphabet have a due peculiar unchangeable proportion of their forms, and likewise that their order is also mystical.
Il: These letters represent the creation of man, and therefore they must be in proportion.  They represent the workmanship wherewithal the soul of man was made like unto his creator.

(Image on the next post.)

  The Angelic script is written right to left, and is commonly accented – see the Loagaeth, and the English transliterations of the 48 Calls or Keys.
   The letter ‘C’, as in English, can be pronounced as ‘S’ or ‘K’.  Similarly, the letter ‘G’ also represents the sound ‘J’; as can the letter Gon (‘I’ or ‘Y’), though infrequently.  Also, the letter Van is pronounced either ‘U’ or ‘V’.  The sound ‘W’ is probably represented literally by a double-‘U’.  Moreover, it would seem that the Angelic spelling ‘PH’ is pronounced ‘F’, as in English.  Also, ‘CH’ may be pronounced as the Greek Chi, or as ‘TCH’.
   There are further similarities to other languages.  For instance, ‘AU’ is pronounced ‘AF’, which is reminiscent of Greek.  There is also a strong possibility that the letter ‘Q’ is pronounced gutturally, as the Semitic “Qaf” or “Qoph”; although the English sound ‘QU’ is present in Enochian.
   The letter ‘Z’ is occasionally given with the pronunciation ‘ZOD’ which is merely a 16th Century name of the letter “Zed” or “Zee”.

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