Monday, February 27, 2012

Could It Be That Sound Frequency Has the Power To Heal Our DNA NOTES

A close friend referred me to this particular field of study. I trust his judgement. I have not had the chance to put these practices to use personally, to test them out. But during another field of study that I was involved in; strangely enough, sound vibrations were mentioned, and the effects that it had on people.

It was my understanding that the early language of Enoch was in musical vibrations. Sometime ago, I lost some very important bookmarks I had saved, when my PC crashed. I believe that subject was one of them. So, I am afraid that I am just going on memory here.

Some years ago, I heard of a study that was conducted, on the effect that loud rock music vs. classical music had on house plants. It seemed that the plants that were subjected to the loud rock music, died. The plants that were subjected to the classical music, thrived.

So, in summing this up; apparently, sounds and vibrations, apparently do have some effects on us and other living things. It seems also that the biochemists in the above posts, agree, also.

A film was made in the Himalayas in the 1930's showing a group of Tibetan monks, who with the use of ordinary Tibetan musical instruments, would gather into a pie-shape configuration and direct their playing towards a huge boulder that was located on the ground roughly one hundred fifty feet away and at the base of sheer rising mountain wall. About three minutes after the 'concert' began, the boulder began to vibrate and lift off the ground. A moment later, it shot up about 150 feet into the air and landed on a ledge above it, where other monks were using the boulders to seal the entrance of meditation enclaves that they had cut into the sides of the mountain.

Self-healing and DNA activation have many benefits that can be experienced in one's own immediate life, from increased wellbeing to higher-dimensional awareness. As we heal ourselves and increase our own capabilities we also create a resonating field of high frequency that can help others, often without our—or their—conscious awareness. And when we take control of our own spiritual growth, becoming stronger and more focused in our own abilities, it will become increasingly clear to each of us what our next step should be.

It is quite possible to “be in the world and not be part of the world,” but only if we are willing to find out how our power has been taken from us and what we can easily do to begin to take it back.

type Dr. Royal Rife into YouTube for a real eye opener. Second, I've seen a doctor on a video off of the Prophecy Club explain, in detail, how sound is used in biblical times as well as today. the use of MI6 for the british intellengece is quite intresting..
Experience the full effects of Binaural Beats with a free stereo demonstration at

Binaural beats; a sonic alternative medicine. A dependable relaxation tool for resolving depression and anxiety and provides support to make meditation easy.

Binaural Beats are a scientifically proven brain entrainment process that slowly started to gain recognition after an article called, "Auditory Beats in the Brain", by Dr Gerald Oster, was published in the October 1973 edition of Scientific America.

Binaural beats work by sending two different Hz frequencies, to each ear via stereo headphones causing the left and right Brain hemispheres to work in unison to hear a phantom frequency or third tone, the centred Hz difference between the two tones. The Hz separations cerate a constant gentle beat and its timing and pulse match the Hz separation per second.

The individuals and teams described below have taken advantage of the multiple biochemical and biophysical properties of both DNA and proteins to make the genetic patterns of these macromolecules audible. As Hofstadter first suggested, music is a natural medium for expressing the complex patterns of proteins and their encoding DNAs. Both consist of a linear sequence of elements whose real meaning lies in their combinations.

Hayashi and Munakata , using a system that assigned pitches to the four DNA bases according to their thermal stability within the interval of a fifth, found that converting the DNA sequences to music helped to expose the meaning of specific sequences and made remembering and recognizing specific DNA patterns easier. Dr. Munakata has continued to explore music as way of understanding gene and protein sequences. A more detailed exposition of his ideas and samples of his musical translations of DNA and protein sequences can be found at his beautiful web site at:

Research in 1950 at the Max Planck Institute in Germany found that when a mechanically created scalar wave was introduced into a petrie dish containing living cells, the cells separated, lost their clumping and became more active within the fluid medium. This is a significant finding. All disease, injury or degeneration is accompanied by swelling and stasis in blood and lymphatic circulation. The body’s healing substances are then immobilized. Apparently the expansion aspect of the scalar energy improves circulation by removing the pressures. We have found that the scalar energy remarkably reduces swelling. I doubt that this occurs from ionization of fluids because the zero-frequency of the scalar is not ionized.”

Improving chemistry.

“Puharich found improvement in the immune and endocrine systems from in vitro study of scalars. Rein did extensive biological studies using the Teslar watch. Lymphocytes exposed to the Teslar watch scalars increased proliferation by 75% compared to the same watch without a scalar coil. Using other scalar generators he discovered a modulation of basic biochemical communication between nerve cells. Byrd also showed scalar energy increased the strength of low-level EEG frequencies. Rein found individual differences in biological responses to both electromagnetic fields and scalar energy. Our research has shown that the individual’s signature pattern of the electromagnetic field, probably the coherency of the individual’s field.


  1. Very nice, however as little as I usually ever mention, out of all the new science in this arena, I felt i would mention a key missing ingredient. That is light itself, and imposing upon the light, the colors of light, these frequencies.

    1. Hi,
      I left these blog for a wile, life circumstances.

      Well, i know that LIGHT is the main "source" of all types of frequencies and the best connection that we as humans can have to "repair"/"evolve", but we dont have is the technology to use it for the good of mankind, (humans as they are until now, only want the quiquest profit of all things, then they use "this technology" to bad things). Then we have "pleasure by sound", Music as we mancioned. Then we evolve in this way, to plesure our selfs. With this evolution, we can refine music to sounds that affect us directly in our cells, by frequencies. Plesure transforms to healing/evolution. Whith in our ignorant selfishness, accidentally we can evolve. Only take 1 group of people (with money to invest) that interests to research and develod this technology for that humans can evolve. Maybe someday humans reach to the point that only that way they can "save" them selfs, i only hope that won't be to late.
