Ancient Mantras: Secret Light-Sound Frequency Technology Revealed
The “Secret of the Mantras” was revealed to me after an experiential experience I had and if anyone who is reading this has also come across this secret knowledge please let me know as I have tried looking for it and I cannot find it elsewhere.
Mantras, are primordial sound chants. Primordial sounds that are connected with "seed syllables". Seed syllables are sounds that are intertwined in the creation of the universe. Some of these sacred sounds are HU, OM, RA, EL, IS. Chanting is done by holding a seed syllable for a prolonged period of time in conjuction with breathing patterns to create waves of harmonic sounds.
Mantras, are primordial sound chants. Primordial sounds that are connected with "seed syllables". Seed syllables are sounds that are intertwined in the creation of the universe. Some of these sacred sounds are HU, OM, RA, EL, IS. Chanting is done by holding a seed syllable for a prolonged period of time in conjuction with breathing patterns to create waves of harmonic sounds.
In the same way that water reveals the rainbow on a sunny day as you are watering your garden, so too does the mantra reveal the unseen and the unheard, so too does the mantra reveal the secret light.
Vibration or frequency can be expressed through color and sound as these are qualities of the light in expression for perception. But humans can only see and hear within a certain range under “normal” circumstances.
Right now there are inaudible frequencies being projected from everything, and I really do mean everything.
Your desk, your computer, the body, your brain, your house… all things are in a state of vibration and are therefore creating sound and light in some form or other. Some of these frequencies are chaotic and others are based in sacred geometry. Chaotic vibrations are those predominantly made by men, which are not based in sacred geometry and cause disruptions in the natural flow of energies and so much more. These are normally referred to as EMF’s, or Electro Magnetic Frequencies and they are responsible for making you feel anxious for no reason when you are around a computer or near electrical smog for too long. (More on this topic later)
Vibrations based on sacred geometry are like those that emanate from the sun, the earth, trees, plants and even certain pyramids. These are based on natural harmonics that speak, move and are in harmony with life and the language of light.
Secret chambers of the pyramids as well as Native American flutes were tuned to a very specific frequency. A frequency pitch that was lost for a long time as common knowledge. This particular pitch through my research and other methods of seeking I found to correlate to different cultures and “sacred knowledge” of what is known as the “Sacred Heart”. The heart emanating a very high state of pure love enters a higher octave, a higher dimension of being that emanates the frequency pitch of 729hz or F#.
The nervous system is able to be “entrained” by applying a continuous frequency, which can inspire it into a higher state of resonance with sacred geometric harmonics or enter into dissonance as explained with the EMF’s and other man-made chaotic frequencies.
For those of you that are wondering, what does this all mean? All of this technical data is for the seekers that do understand and can take this information and make something of it, but it is not necessary to apply “The Secret of the Mantras” and gain benefit from it.
The “Secret of the Mantras” is that when you chant OM for example, and it is not something that can be replicated by speakers, it is only experienced by live chanting, the frequency wave of OM travels into ether space and interacts with the inaudible sacred harmonics and “Deciphers” these sacred inaudible waves which you receive as audible frequencies which then can be used to entrain your consciousness and your entire being into these higher light harmonics.
For those of you who did not get it on the first round. This mean that when you chant OM, there is a whistle like sound that is heard, this whistle-like sound is not being made by you, it is a sound that is already there but is inaudible unless you “decipher” it with Primordial sounds like OM.
When you hear this whistle, this higher harmonics pitch frequency it means you are exercising the “Secret of the Mantras” and receiving back as feedback these sacred harmonics which your nervous system and your entire being can use to enter higher states, heal, and return to a pure state of harmony.
One of these primordial sounds reveals the sacred heart frequency and can help to elevate your consciousness into a state of true “Christ consciousness” which naturally emanates the sacred heart frequency from your being through the process of entrainment.
There is alot of information that relates more in the modern time and in ancient to sound and the power of sound. Cymatics is a great science that reveals amazing details about the structure of sound in relation to sacred geometry.
All these methods are simply more and more ways to refine who we are, to become more and more conscious and aware beings, with more and more ways to connect to and emanate the consciousness of love.
And as always remember to choose the love option more times than not. Till' next time.
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