"I have from my youth up, desired and prayed unto God for pure and sound wisdom and understanding of truths natural and artificial, so that God's wisdom, goodness, and power bestowed in the frame of the world might be brought in some bountiful measure under the talent of my capacity...So for many years and in many places, far and near, I have sought and studied many books in sundry languages, and have conferred with sundry men, and have laboured with my own reasonable discourse, to find some inkling, gleam, or beam of those radical truths. But after all my endeavours I could find no other way to attain such wisdom but by the Extraordinary Gift, and not by any vulgar school, doctrine, or human invention.
I had read in books and records how Enoch enjoyed God's favour and conversation, and how God was familiar with Moses, and how good angels were sent to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, Esdras, Daniel, Tobias, and sundry others, to instruct them, inform them and help them in worldly and domestic affairs, and even sometimes to satisfy their desires, doubts, and questions of God's secrets. Furthermore, I considered the Shewstone which the high priests did use, by God's own ordering, wherein they had lights and judgements in their great doubts. I considered, too, that God did not refuse to instruct the prophets and seers to give answers to the common people concerning economics, as Samuel did for Saul; and so did Solomon the wise, immediately after attaining his wonderful wisdom through God. Therefore I was sufficiently taught and confirmed that I would never attain wisdom by mans hand or by human power, but only from God, directly or indirectly.
I have always had a great regard and care to beware of the filthy abuse of such as wittingly invoke or consult with spiritual creatures of the damned sort: angels of darkness, forgers, patrons of lies and untruths. Instead I have flown unto God through hearty prayer, full oft and in sundry manners.
Thereupon I brought forth to him (Edward Kelley) my stone in the frame (which was given me of a friend) and I said unto him, that I was credibly informed that to it (after a sort) were answerable various good Angels...
He then settled himself to the Action: and on his knees at my desk, setting the stone before him, fell to prayer and entreaty. In the mean space, I in my oratory did pray and make motion to God & his good Creatures for the furthering of this Action. And within a quarter of an hour (or lesse) he had sight of one in the stone."
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